Wednesday 23 March 2011

An Introduction...

I realise I have done this the wrong way. I should have said hello and then got on with my posts. But hey ho and all that.

Welcome, I'm Minkey Monkey aka Hazel I'm in to crafts, photograph (amateur), digital art, writing (though not always coherently lol) gaming, reading, and I over use the text abbreviation 'Lol'. I will however try to keep that in check ;)

Craft wise I'll have a go at anything. Jewellery, Sock animals, Felties and cards are my usual cup of tea but I do branch out and try other things on occasions, like Scarf knitting.
I like to write short stories. I have a grand total of 1 that I am willing to post on here for the time being. A lot of the time I'll write a story but never finish or polish it off. I'm really want to try and turn some of my dreams into short stories. I'm a vivid dream and recently I have started trying to write down all I can remember before it's gone.

I am an avid and fast reader. Generally I'll read anything and everything but at the moment I am trying to read as many Vampire books, Novels series etc as possible. No, I'm not an avid Twilight fan. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the books or films. I've read and watched them all but I hate it when people assume that because you have a fascination with Vampires that it's all down to Edward "Twinkle Toes" Cullen. My obsession stems from when I first saw a classic vampire film… Near Dark. 
It started one late night when I had snuck out of bed and popped the TV on after midnight many years ago. I couldn't get enough of the film, it drew me in. After that I had to know more about Vampires. Every book I read had a different twist on the law of Vampires. I find that even now during the 'vampire book frenzy' that each book still manages to twist, turn and completely change the rules of what a vampire is and how they came into existence. It's a bit of an obsession, but not in an unhealthy way. I know that vampires aren't real and that when I put the book down that I'm back in the real world. I could have crammed all of that into one simple sentence: "I love books, they are my way of escaping the real world and I'm fascinated with the law of vampires".

I think I've rambled on sufficiently for now (I'm good at that lol) so I'll leave it here for now. At some point over the week, as long as work doesn't knacker me out too much, I will pop some articles, handmade crafts etc up.

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