Monday, 28 March 2011


These pictures are of my beautiful cat Abby, who is like a baby to me. Unfortunately she hasn't been well recently. We have a vets appointment on Thursday but I fear they are just going to tell us old age has finally crept up on her. We aren't sure of her exact age because she's had so many homes (4 or 5 if you include us) We've had her for the last 5 years and how some one could give her away is beyond me. She's intelligent (when it suits her) affectionate and knows the signal for noses rubs. Before she went deaf if you said Abby kisses, she'd rub her face in yours :D.

She's my cutie, and yes some people may think "It's a cat" but she's my cat and I love my little angel :) 

(Did I mention previously that I am a bit of a mad cat lady... because I am!)

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Keira Knightley Digital portrait

So I did this for a college project where we were asked to try something different to what we usually do. I usually did digital manipulations. This took me a very long time (around 10 - 12 hours total) and I'm most proud of her hand on her hip, Not so keen on her hair.
The amount of layers I had was insane, I ended up having to use folders to distinguish which layers did what. My main tools in photo-shop were the path tool, paint bucket, smudge and blur.
Unfortunately again I lost all the originals when the old computer was fried... Which is a shame because a lot of detail on the top etc was lost when I JPEG'd it. I'm hoping I might still have it on my external hard drive, but I need a new power unit for it, so haven't had a chance to find out.
Over all I was relatively happy with how it came out, it has a kind of vector feel too it. Though I would never be able to do something like this in illustrator! lol

I also have this up over at my deviant art account (Scarlet Faith)

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Sony Ereader Comparison.

Sony PRS 350 Review and comparison
Written by: Hazel Gadd on 15th January 2011

NOTE: I am a MAC only user so I don't know how much it differs for PC users.

I warn you now, reviewing isn't my strong point. I'm a bit naff with tech speak and I can waffle a little. So apologies in advance. Also the pictures are a bit naff because I can't find my camera so I had to use my phone

Photo manipulation

Here are some digital Photo Manipulations I have done.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Some Photography

I'm trying to post a little of something as often as possible. Thankfully I have a bit of a backlog of things I can upload/ post lol. Though I will of course have to start creating new things and soon, so I will start pushing my self again.

Here are some photos I have taken of various things. The Zombie Pictures are actually of my boyfriend, He does all the make up him self and really is very good, these aren't even his most current make up jobs! He gets better each time and I'm very proud of him! 

These first 4 are all from my Birthday trip to Scarborough. The final 3 are my Zombie Partner :)

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Child of innocence

Child of Innocence

By: Hazel (minkey monkey)

Influenced by: Angela Carter

Written: For an English assignment: To write and mimic the style of Angela Carter but with out loosing your own touch and possession of the piece.

Apologies for my poor grammar in places.


He grabbed her; bit her neck; drank her blood; she fell inert to the ground in the forest, alone. She lay there until the dawn broke. A young gentleman of great wealth and high in society found her. He was frowned upon for his perverse love of children.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

An Introduction...

I realise I have done this the wrong way. I should have said hello and then got on with my posts. But hey ho and all that.

Welcome, I'm Minkey Monkey aka Hazel I'm in to crafts, photograph (amateur), digital art, writing (though not always coherently lol) gaming, reading, and I over use the text abbreviation 'Lol'. I will however try to keep that in check ;)

Ilomilo Review - Xbox Live Arcade

Microsoft Game Studios
Southend Int.
3D Puzzle Action

Ilomilo is a great to look at. The game it's self starts out very simple.
You begin the story learning that Ilo and Milo like nothing more than meeting up for a cup of apple tea everyday… Until one day when they go to the park there world is turned upside down and they can no longer reach each other.
The main point of the game is to get Ilo and Milo standing next to each other.